SimCity 2000
Board Game Classics
Dr. Seuss: How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
Pac-Man World 2
The Game of Life / Yahtzee / Payday
Kerplunk! / Toss Across / Tip It
Garfield's Fun Fest
M&M's Kart Racing
Lionel Trains: On Track
Uno Free Fall
Yamaha Supercross
Betty Boop's Double Shift
Jeep Thrills
Garfield Gets Real
Deal or No Deal
Chicken Shoot
Arctic Tale
Gekido Advance: Kintaro's Revenge
Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed
Smashing Drive
Sorry! / Aggravation / Scrabble Junior
Uno / Skip-Bo / Uno Freefall
Connect Four / Perfection / Trouble
Millipede / Super Breakout / Lunar Lander
Gauntlet / Rampart
Snood 2: On Vacation
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