Known as 渡辺製作所 (Watanabe Seisakujo), Watanabe Production, from 1995 till 2002. The developer changed their name to フランスパン (Furansu Pan), French Bread, as they switched to making licensed games. Also known as Soft Circle French-Bread
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st]
Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code
Melty Blood: Type Lumina
Under Night In-Birth II Sys:Celes
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late
Melty Blood Actress Again
Melty Blood
Melty Blood Act Cadenza Ver. B
Melty Blood Act Cadenza
Melty Blood Re-Act
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r]
Melty Blood: Type Lumina - Deluxe Edition
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax Ignition
Under Night In-Birth
Bike Banditz
Lilian Fourhand: Nuclear Soeur the Fighters
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