
"NIGORO is a naughty group that doesn’t watch main stream nor trend of the game, and make games as we like! We grow up on playing retro games. Our purpose is to pursue and to evolve more the fun of them. NIGORO is not a game company. To be exact, NIGORO is a game development department of ASTERIZM corporation. The games are developed by NIGORO members have released as a brand name “NIGORO”. We may also sell on behalf of other game developers. In that case, they have released as a brand name “ASTERIZM”. It is hard to understand. lol. In the United States, indie Games has considerable demand, and many developers have been successful. In Japan, when it comes to a genre called “DOUJIN”, there are successes. On the other hand when it comes to a genre called “INDIE”, there are few successes. On top of that, indie games themselves are not so popular. In that circumstances, we have the ambition to be successful Japanese indie games and hope to boost Japanese indie game development field which like-minded people. We are working with such thoughts. Thanks."