3D Ultra Minigolf Adventures: Space

3D Ultra Minigolf Adventures: Space

Released 5/24/2007
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3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures: Space is a demo of the full 3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures game. It was distributed by Taco Bell restaurants during a promotion that ran from May 24 - June 27, 2007. This disc contains 4 holes from the Outer Space theme of the full game: Laseriffic, Planetoid, Two Planets, Rocket Man. While up to 4 players can player head to head in the full version, this demo version only allows 1 player to assume one of the 4 edgy, defiant personae available: Hector, Rosie, Joe, and Kate. The other 3 characters will also be playing, more or less as phantoms (their scores are reported summarily without any action seen). The game features 2 different control schemes for setting up the shot and putting the ball. It also allows the player to customize both their player's outfit and their golf ball.




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