Charlie Brown's ABC's

Charlie Brown's ABC's

Released 2/1/1984
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Charlie Brown's ABC's is a simple educational game designed for children ages 3-7. Featuring Charles Schulz's Peanuts characters, the game presents each of the 26 letters in the alphabet along with a brief animation to go along with it. Each animation has a different object that starts with the letter in question and one or more Peanuts characters interacting with it (such as Charlie Brown playing the guitar for the letter "G", or Snoopy dancing to music on the radio for "R"). Player's can select a letter and see the corresponding word and animation by pressing the letter on the keyboard, or the arrow keys can be used to cycle through each letter (forwards and backwards) in alphabetical order. The game package also included a set of activity cards which provided additional suggestions for parents or teachers to help kids learn the alphabet using the game.

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