Commandos: Origins

Commandos: Origins

Released 4/9/2025
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  • Commandos: Origins screenshot
  • Commandos: Origins screenshot
  • Commandos: Origins screenshot
  • Commandos: Origins screenshot
  • Commandos: Origins screenshot
  • Commandos: Origins screenshot


In 2019, Kalypso Media Group announced that a new 'Commandos' title was in development and last year it revealed that newly formed Claymore Game Studios was working on a next-generation installment in the Commandos strategy series. Commandos: Origins tells the story of a newly founded British commando unit that grows into a brotherhood during its operations against strategic goals of the German Wehrmacht. The player will control different characters with different abilities from an isometric perspective of the playing field and use them strategically in such a way that the given mission goal is achieved. So you will work your way through the various missions based on historical locations and missions to the respective goal.

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