Crocodingus in Cube Island

Crocodingus in Cube Island

Released 8/21/2008
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  • Crocodingus in Cube Island screenshot
  • Crocodingus in Cube Island screenshot


Crocodingus the crocodile is happily playing video games when he carelessly drops his drink onto his console's outlet. Unfortunately, the drink in the receptacle creates an electromagnetic distortion, and Crocodingus got snatched into the vortex and sent to the pixel world. In this game, you play as the crocodile called Crocodingus in a cubic environement and you must collect all the bananas from each levels in order to advance. Crocodingus In Cube Island is a full 3D game that you can play on your Nintendo DS. You can move the crocodile with the stylus and strike monkeys with its tail! You must help Crocodingus to finish the game.




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