Densha de Go! 3 Tsuukinhen: Daiyakaisei

Densha de Go! 3 Tsuukinhen: Daiyakaisei

Released 10/1/2000
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  • Densha de Go! 3 Tsuukinhen: Daiyakaisei screenshot
  • Densha de Go! 3 Tsuukinhen: Daiyakaisei screenshot
  • Densha de Go! 3 Tsuukinhen: Daiyakaisei screenshot
  • Densha de Go! 3 Tsuukinhen: Daiyakaisei screenshot
  • Densha de Go! 3 Tsuukinhen: Daiyakaisei screenshot
  • Densha de Go! 3 Tsuukinhen: Daiyakaisei screenshot


Densha de Go! 3 later received an update to the Arcade release on October 2000, known as Densha de Go! 3 Tsuukin-hen: Daiya-kaisei (loosely translated to "Go by Train! 3 Commuting Edition: Diagram Revision"). This version updates some minor things, including the timetable and scoring calculation. It is the last arcade entry in the series in 14 years, prior to Densha de Go!! The original version was later ported to the PlayStation 2 on March 15, 2001, while the Daiya-kaisei version was later ported to the PC by Unbalance.

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