Doodle God Universe

Doodle God Universe

Released 7/15/2021
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Summary pulled directly from Steam - Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform

The Universe is all about creating different elements.
Creator, which came first, the chicken or the egg? There is a right time for every action made, and we are ready to give the opportunity to choose the path & time of creation yourself! With more than 400 unique elements and 700+ unique reactions you will spend hours philosophically pondering, as you try to reverse-engineer millions of years of evolution! The game will show all the beautiful details of the creation along the way. The coolest thing is that you will be able to walk around your Universe. Ah, being God was never so interesting before!

Don’t forget the most important part of creating your Universe - its Evolution.
In the Doodle God Universe you will be a huge part of it!
Sea Evolution? Earth Evolution? Or even Cyber Evolution?
Walk an unforgettable path from Plankton to Whale, from Lizard to T-Rex! You are the one who helps evolution reach the right point. And you know what is best about Evolution? It is endless, like your Universe!

Wait, but how to become the best Creator?
Prove it by competing with thousands of other Creators like you!
In the Doodle God Universe we count everything, and trust us - we will find the best one.
Are you the one, Creator?



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