Eve Online: Retribution

Eve Online: Retribution

Released 12/4/2012
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Retribution brought a revamped bounty system, a new "crimewatch" system, added 4 new destroyer ships and a new mining frigate, rebalanced the frigate, cruiser and destroyer ship roles and improved enemy AI. A list of the additions and modifications from the Retribution feature page: - A revamp of the bounty system, which deals out payment on financial loss - A revamp of the criminal warning system, dubbed "crimewatch" - A rebalance of ships in the frigate, cruiser and destroyer classes - Addition of four new destroyers for each of the races with different attributes - Addition of a new ORE mining frigate - Improvements to the combat UI - Improvements to NPC AI - Addition of a new music audio system which works on location rather than a linear playlist. Removal of the jukebox - Other minor features such as new items, the addition of a new safety system, a new salvage drone, and various performance improvements

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