Furry Shakespeare: Love's Lizards Lost

Furry Shakespeare: Love's Lizards Lost

Released 2/21/2022
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  • Furry Shakespeare: Love's Lizards Lost screenshot
  • Furry Shakespeare: Love's Lizards Lost screenshot
  • Furry Shakespeare: Love's Lizards Lost screenshot
  • Furry Shakespeare: Love's Lizards Lost screenshot
  • Furry Shakespeare: Love's Lizards Lost screenshot


Summary pulled directly from Steam - Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform

The young king of Navarre has declared a three year study of Castle Dragongate, an ancient keep of unknown origin. He wishes to uncover its secrets, which have been fabled to link back to the beginning of time.

Something like that, at least. It sounds like an awesome spring break for you and the rest of the king's entourage. There's no possible way that you'll stumble on to a conflict that is in dire need of resolution. Hey! The young queen of France is here with HER entourage! That's going to lead to some sexy hijinks, right? I can already feel the existential dread of what may be lurking within those ancient ruins fading away!

An Adventure game with Dating Sim aspects, based on one of Shakespeare's lost works, 'Love's Labour's Won'.

  • Engage in witty banter over five acts as you pick and choose which of your fellow compatriots to learn about and totally not flirt with.
  • Will your (totally not careless) actions doom or free the surrounding lands?

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