Summary pulled directly from Steam
- Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform
Every 976 years, the heavens pick one warrior to hear the calling and use the Sword of Fate to seal away the Machine Devil. Emily Harmless used to be an activist, a librarian, and a scholar... but she had to put that all aside when she was chosen as that warrior. Is there any hope for her to find peace in the burning ruins of her world after carrying out the heavens’ mission?Introducing...
- Two new temporary party members, Emily and Prince Sam, with new mechanics and new strategies! Emily's Sword of Fate requires you to build up the special Fate Meter to use, but is powerful enough to stagger a boss instantly with a fully charged meter!
- New allies, new enemies! Fight five new enemy types that require all new strategies in random encounters, then challenge three new bosses!
- Can't you hear it ring? OUR REMIX OF THE SPIRIT OF THE TIMES! Mix it up with an expanded soundtrack, including two new battle music bangers!
- An all new progression system—will the party manage to escape the cruel light of the Adversarial Zodiac to regain their power in this burning world? Plus, three all new items that unlock the story of the fallen hero Jo of the Mountain!
- The story continues here in our longest chapter yet! Angela must face tough truths about the theology that governs all worlds, and Grace Morningstar meets her hero Emily Harmless. Only the fate of another world can tell us about the fight that lies ahead in our own!