Summary pulled directly from Steam
- Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform
This is an unconventional 2D belt-scroll action game, in which players won’t beat devils or dragons as an invincible warrior, but an evil, greedy and despicable Goblin. You will break into the villages which are guarded by soldiers and warriors, and destroy the facilities and rob the belongings. You will become a figure that everyone hates yet fears.
The Goblin King unravels the 300-year seal and revives, but his flesh body is rotten and only his soul exists. In order to break the seal, the Goblin minions have to break into the villages which are guarded by soldiers and warriors. They will fight with the well-equipped and highly skilled warriors, and kidnap the villagers and imprison them at the dungeons in the stronghold. Those villagers will be used as the sacrifices for the devil’s ceremony, which aims at the resurrection of the Goblin King.
Retro 2D belt-scroll action game
SIM and RPG elements
Easy to get started and operate
The enemies that players facing are not ferocious monsters, but brutally attacking warriors