Gravity League

Gravity League

Released 8/1/2024
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  • Gravity League screenshot
  • Gravity League screenshot
  • Gravity League screenshot
  • Gravity League screenshot
  • Gravity League screenshot
  • Gravity League screenshot


Summary pulled directly from Steam - Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform

Grab your Gravity Gloves and prepare to compete in the future of ball games! Gravity League is a unique competitive multiplayer sports game that blends heart-pounding action, strategic gameplay, and a truly immersive virtual reality experience. The rules are simple - two players, one ball, zero gravity; the first player to 7 goals wins. To play, players use VR motion controllers to hit balls, trying to score in the goal behind the opponent in front of them. Getting the ball past an opposing player is worth one point. Players must also physically defend their goals similarly to a goalkeeper in soccer. Gravity League will make you break a sweat and have fun doing it!



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