Kororinpa: Marble Mania

Kororinpa: Marble Mania

Released 12/2/2006
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KEEP THE BALL ROLLING! Kororinpa: Marble Mania is a fun and addictive action puzzle game that lets players tilt and rotate the Wii Remote to roll a ball around a maze to get the goal! Using an intuitive control scheme, gamers of all ages and skill levels can pick up a Wii Remote and start playing right away. Collect crystals and unlock special marbles and hidden stages as you make your way through the numerous mazes. Varying themes such as a magical forest and neon soaked cityscapes keep the game fresh and entertaining for the whole family. • Simple and intuitive control system • 20 kinds of marble variations with different control, playability and look and feel • Full 3D control, tip the world on its side, and even upside down • Over 40 diverse stages packed with tricks, traps and secrets • Compete against a friend with a 2-player race mode



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