Maimai Finale

Maimai Finale

Released 12/13/2018
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Let's enjoy a deluxe, all-star experience together! The last edition in the classic maimai arcade machine series, maimai FiNALE pulls all the stops in the popular arcade rhythm game resembling a washing machine! Featuring new licenses from anime hits like A Certain Magical Index, YURU CAMP, and Made in Abyss, maimai FiNALE boasts over 600 songs with 8-button tapping and touch sliding! This edition also features the PANDORA BOX series, including the final boss PANDORA PARADOXXX. The 7th and last piece of the maimai series on the original RingEdge 2 systems. It was updated on December 13, 2018, and in most cases in Korea, the update was completed after about a week. However, some arcades are expensive to upgrade Some have been updated late. The last update will be on July 5, 2019. On July 11, 2019, the operation of the next game, maimai DX, was confirmed, and on September 3, 2019, at 4:00 am, Finale's online service will end. # However, the end of service is limited to servers in Japan, and overseas servers where Deluxe is not yet in operation continues to maintain the current status. It became the situation of DDR A only overseas. On December 18th, All.Net equipment trouble caused network disconnection. After that, the news of the net shutdown in Asia came up. It will end at 6:00 PM (JST) on February 28, 2020, and in the case of maimai-NET, it will completely end at 6:00 PM (JST) on March 31, 2020. Data transfer to maimai DX is possible until January 29, 2021. General Information / Changes: - Final "Standard" (pre-DX) maimai game. - Grade Certification and Survival Course are both removed, replaced with FiNALE Course. - First maimai game since maimai ORANGE PLUS not to include any Challenge Tracks; instead, PANDORA BOXXX is used, which has more complex unlocking mechanics. - "New Music" category added. Like Event categories, songs in this category award two more cheese pieces and one more present point. - Shama (black cat) and Milk (white cat) from Oshama Scramble! are added as Partners. - 宴会場 can now be played on any track, instead of just the final track. - More tips between tracks have been added. - "Ras's watching diary" is added. At the end of a game session, Ras would put honey on a tree to attract "Fairy Happy". If the player plays maimai within 3 days starting from the next day, "Fairy Happy" would appear and give bonus effects to the player: - Locked Master charts can be played directly to unlock them or the Re:Master charts of the same song, if available.




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