Maimai Green Plus

Maimai Green Plus

Released 2/26/2014
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An update to maimai GreeN cabinets, maimai GreeN PLUS released on February 26th, 2014 in Japan, following short location tests on January 31st, 2014. General Information / Changes: - Song rankings now list the top six songs in song selection ranking. - Details of limited-time events (such as various collectible items) are displayed for each song now on the song selection screen. - HOLD notes now have a hexagon shape, making them easier to tell apart from TAP notes. - SLIDE patterns have increased in shape, no longer bound to the conventional circumferential/straight lines they had been prior. - SLIDE patterns for songs prior to GReeN remain unchanged, with the exception of デコボコ体操第二's SLIDE notes. - BREAK and SLIDE sound effects can now be customized. - On the Collection screen, you could only switch between songs, icons, and titles in order, but now you can switch between them all. - Switching speed is also now faster. - Changed the button specification to end the Collection screen and speed up the timer. - Today's mai friend (maiフレンド) bonus is now displayed collectively. Song folders have again received some updates/changes: - Touhou and niconico songs are in separate folders. - New folder added, COLLABO, for game collaborations outside of SEGA.




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