Maimai Milk Plus

Maimai Milk Plus

Released 6/21/2018
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PLUS version of maimai MiLK, the 6th work of the maimai series . In Japan, operation began on June 20-21, 2018, and in Korea, most of the updates were completed on June 22. However, some of them were completed the following week, June 25th. General Information / Changes - The ALL PERFECT+ marker and SSS+ play rank are added, to denote an AP with all - - - BREAKs hit with maximum accuracy. SS+ and S+ ranks are also added. - More tips between tracks have been added. - On maimaiNET, the songlist can now be filtered by version. Present Events are added. - Points are obtained after playing each song (similar to the old maimile). If a Present - Event is in progress, the player would earn collection items after reaching a set amount of points. The progress is linear, and the collection awarded cannot be chosen. - First play of the day awards 20 pt. Date change is at 0:00 JST. - Each track awards 4 pt, and songs with the "present box +1" mark awards 1 extra pt. - Points needed until the next collection is displayed when points are obtained. - There are Japan-only Present Events that don't activate in Asia at all. However, if the collections are awarded in Japan, they could be used normally in Asia.




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