Maimai Orange Plus

Maimai Orange Plus

Released 3/19/2015
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maimai ORANGE PLUS was released on March 19, 2015, updating cabinets of the previous release and were implemented sequentially in Korea as well as in Japan. A number of J-POP licensed songs were deleted due to the Sayonara event, but collaboration events are more active than the previous series. Changes: - New Re:MASTER: The hardest difficulty level, Re:MASTER, has been added. It consists of EASY, BASIC, ADVANCED, EXPERT, MASTER, and Re:MASTER. It is unlocked when you achieve S rank or higher for the corresponding MASTER song. - Track stage improvement: In the sub display, the top right screen from the masterpiece to the ORANGE was changed from Track 1 to 3 to Track 1/3. Bouns track was maintained.




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