Summary pulled directly from Steam
- Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform
Chaos at the headquarters of the video game organization, UPIXO: the villain, El Pix, has stolen some important and historically valuable artifacts of video game history from the archive. Help Chubby retrieve all the artifacts from El Pix's icy realm of Snowdriftland!
Mission in Snowdriftland is unique in its concept: Play it like a traditional Advent calendar, and select a level every day and let Chubby guide you through the cold winter days. Or play it like a classic platformer - any time you want.
Mission in Snowdriftland offers the right gaming experience for all players: younger and less experienced gamers can get off to a quick and easy start and jump right in to start searching for the artifacts, while core gamers will face a cool challenge as they collect all 24 snowflakes per level.
Prepare to confront some wacky enemies like penguins in squirrel costumes, polar bear joggers listening to music, flaming fire bumblebees and many more.
Compete against four Minibosses, the subordinates of El Pix, who are standing in your way after every world. Defeat them to prove that you can face the big boss himself!
Soon you will find new secret areas all around Snowdriftland! Find the entrances and explore the levels in a way you haven’t seen before!
But first off- what’s this...? A hole? Could it be hiding the reason for the secret areas?!