Mythos Ever After: A Cthulhu Dating Sim RX

Mythos Ever After: A Cthulhu Dating Sim RX

Released 7/20/2021
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  • Mythos Ever After: A Cthulhu Dating Sim RX screenshot
  • Mythos Ever After: A Cthulhu Dating Sim RX screenshot
  • Mythos Ever After: A Cthulhu Dating Sim RX screenshot
  • Mythos Ever After: A Cthulhu Dating Sim RX screenshot
  • Mythos Ever After: A Cthulhu Dating Sim RX screenshot


Summary pulled directly from Steam - Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform

You've been abandoned by your con buddies at the world's most popular pop culture convention! But wait, twelve ultra-cool monster squid things that are also medical doctors and may or may not be creatures of the dark that travel through time have just walked in! Can you muster up the courage to ask them if they want to be your new Con Friends? Maybe you can spend all four days with one of them?

Basically, the gameplay is thus:
- You have four days at the convention, with multiple things to do!
- Each of the twelve squid siblings has their own schedule, and depending on who you spend time with, you can gain Reputation!
- Win prizes!
- Do or do not destroy the universe!
- Find love?

You know, the usual stuff you do at a geek convention.

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