Panic in the Park

Panic in the Park

Released 9/1/1995
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The game was stored in three separate CDs. The gameplay shares many puzzle elements and first-person gameplay to Myst. When the player clicks the cursor on where the mouse icon changes to a triforce icon, the location changes. Clicking on an object allows the player to get a closer look. The player's main objective is to collect four special coins to use at the Oracle booth before proceeding to the office building to locate the deed. The fairground is divided into four sections. In each section there are some playable minigames. Playing the minigames costs a few tokens. Jamie starts the player off with ten tokens. Winning the minigames earns the player additional tokens depending on the winning score. At least one minigame in each fairground section earns the player a special coin. After solving the puzzles in the park's office building, the player must use whatever clues gathered to find out which one of nine park employees is the thief who stole the deed.



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