Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy HD

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy HD

Released 2/7/2012
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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy HD was a deprecated collection of the first three installments of the Ace Attorney series with swipe commands, on-screen controls, and "HD sprites". It was available on iOS (and on Android, albeit only in Japan) and supported on iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and iPad Mini running iOS 5.0 or higher. The base game—which contains the first two cases of the first game (The First Turnabout and Turnabout Sisters) -- was available for free on the App Store. The other three episodes of the first game, as well as the entirety of the second and third games, could be downloaded as in-app purchases. The games could be bought together as a bundle or separately, but the game was only available in English and Japanese.

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