

Released 12/31/1993
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QuizMania is an italian exclusive collection of minigames that takes place in a network of tv channels. The player will be introduced to the game itself and to all the mini-games by its only host Raul Cremona, which interprets different characters, one for each game plus the menu and a pirate television that will randomly appear during the gameplay. The included games are - TeleTre: A classic quiz with a question and three possible answers - TeleIndovinelli: A riddle to resolve, where the only input for the player is for revealing the answer - TeleAnagrammi: with a given word, create another word by mixing its letters - TeleRebus: write the phrase by resolving a riddle with a drawing and some letters - TeleLabirinti: multiple letters are arranged in a square formation. The player has to connect all of them to create a phrase - TeleIntruso: find the word that doesn't fit with the other four



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