Sakura no Uta: Sakura no Mori no Ue wo Mau

Sakura no Uta: Sakura no Mori no Ue wo Mau

Released 10/23/2015
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  • Sakura no Uta: Sakura no Mori no Ue wo Mau screenshot
  • Sakura no Uta: Sakura no Mori no Ue wo Mau screenshot
  • Sakura no Uta: Sakura no Mori no Ue wo Mau screenshot
  • Sakura no Uta: Sakura no Mori no Ue wo Mau screenshot
  • Sakura no Uta: Sakura no Mori no Ue wo Mau screenshot
  • Sakura no Uta: Sakura no Mori no Ue wo Mau screenshot
  • Sakura no Uta: Sakura no Mori no Ue wo Mau screenshot
  • Sakura no Uta: Sakura no Mori no Ue wo Mau screenshot


Spring. After the death of his father - a world-famous artist - left him without any living relatives, protagonist Kusanagi Naoya is put under the care of his friend Natsume Kei's family. There, his homeroom teacher Natsume Ai, and Kei's younger sister - the actress Natsume Shizuku - await him in turn. And with the arrival of the new school term, Misakura Rin - Naoya's childhood friend who transferred long ago - reappears right before him. Beyond the veil of cherry blossom petals blown by the wind - almost like their promised reunion -- Feelings pile up with the passage of time: once the torrent of emotions comes rushing down, what is the spectacle that awaits? A complete re-imagining of the stalled Sakura no Uta project by SCA-Ji, the writer of Subarashiki Hibi.



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