SoulCalibur IV

SoulCalibur IV

Released 7/31/2008
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  • SoulCalibur IV screenshot


"Swords will be honed and weapons optimized as the world renowned weapon-based fighting series Soulcalibur unveils a fourth installment. Delivering new gameplay modes, characters and enhanced features with unprecedented 3D modeling and animation, Soulcalibur IV strives to be the definitive fighting game experience. The unrelenting pursuit of two legendary swords continues as Soulcalibur IV re-introduces classic warriors from the series as well as debuting new characters bringing new conflict and intrigue. Soulcalibur IV propels the fighting genre into the next-gen era with visually realistic environments, interactive stages, enhanced AI, and a new battle system." Exclusive to the Xbox 360 version is Yoda from Star Wars, who’s inclusion was meant to represent the colours of the Xbox Logo.



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