Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Released 12/31/2008
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Super Smash Bros. Brawl is an Adobe Flash game published by Extra Toxic as part of its Nintendo advent calendar microsite. The game was made to promote the game of the same name. Once the player starts the game, the player will have to alternate between clicking on one of their swords to send a beam into the opposing character (when that character is not using a shield on that spot), and holding up their own shield to deflect the other character's sword. While the character that the player is facing will change after either character hits the other, the player is always playing as Mario. The game ends when either the player or the computer-controlled character hits their opponent five times. If the player wins, the game will save the amount of time it took for them to finish the game as the player's record.




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