The Savage Hypnotist's Puppets

The Savage Hypnotist's Puppets

Released 8/25/2022
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  • The Savage Hypnotist's Puppets screenshot
  • The Savage Hypnotist's Puppets screenshot
  • The Savage Hypnotist's Puppets screenshot
  • The Savage Hypnotist's Puppets screenshot
  • The Savage Hypnotist's Puppets screenshot
  • The Savage Hypnotist's Puppets screenshot


Summary pulled directly from Steam - Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform

The "Savage Hypnotist's Puppets" is a visual novel that follows the adventures of the protagonist, a man with a powerful hypnotic ability, as he follows his desires and brings about various destructive events.
A "Bishoujo" game released in 2018 by "Madraid" for the "CS Novels" platform, the game has been remade so that audiences of all ages from around the world can enjoy this stunning visual novel.

I will become your lover.
N, No... Please don't hypnotise me! I don't want it!
The protagonist who has mastered the art of hypnonsis, begins targeting our lively heroines one by one.
The peaceful lives of these individuals become a living hell because of this one man.

Touma Suzumura, an average looking college student, is hiding a secret that no one must know about.
Discovering his talent for hypnosis at a young age, he is now a college student capable of altering people's memories.

With powerful hypnotism in his disposal, Touma follows his inner desires and sneaks up on his targets.

・Marie Senou
A senior in college. Stylish and intelligent, she can get along with anyone.
She supports the protagonist by being his practice partner for hypnosis.
"Wow! I can't move at all. You're up to something aren't you?"

・Nanako Sakurai
A junior in college. She has a rather dark personality, but has many hidden fans because of her good looks.
She is rather concerned about her large breasts, so she wears clothes that can hide them well.
She was dragged into this situation after accidentally witnessing the protagonist perform hypnosis.
"S, Stop... What are you going to do with me..."

・Misa Hosoda
A college professor. She is still young, having just became a teacher, and tends to be quite clumsy.
The only place to see her is in class, but she is young and beautiful which is reason enough to fall for her.
"Hey, let's rethink this..... Let me out of here"

・Touma Suzumura
The protagnist of this story.
An average looking college student.
He tries to hide his emotions from others, but he is actually a complete outcast. His goal is to live as he pleases through hypnosis, which he has practiced since his childhood.




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