Summary pulled directly from Steam
- Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform
This DLC is an expansion of Touhou Mystia's Izakaya, it includes:
A new region to explore - Streets of Former Hell!
- You can freely explore the Fantastic Blowhole and Streets of Former Hell
- Yamame Kurodani as a bond character
- Parsee Mizuhashi as a bond character
- Yuugi Hoshiguma as a bond character
- A mysterious new partner
- A variety of new ingredients
- A variety of new recipes
- Three new vibe songs and a new overworld song!
A new region to explore - Palace of the Earth Spirits!
- You can freely explore Palace of the Earth Spirits
- Satori Komeiji as a bond character
- Rin Kaenbyou as a bond character
- Utsuho Reiuji as a bond character
- A mysterious new partner
- A variety of new ingredients
- A variety of new recipes
- Three new vibe songs and a new overworld song!
And as always, a shocking yet unsurprising boss will make her appearance to toy with the player.
These two maps provides a richer experience for everyone,
as well as give fans of these characters a chance to see them appear on-screen.
We hope you like this DLC.