Zero Punctuation: Hatfall - Hatters Gonna Hat Edition

Zero Punctuation: Hatfall - Hatters Gonna Hat Edition

Released 11/20/2015
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  • Zero Punctuation: Hatfall - Hatters Gonna Hat Edition screenshot
  • Zero Punctuation: Hatfall - Hatters Gonna Hat Edition screenshot
  • Zero Punctuation: Hatfall - Hatters Gonna Hat Edition screenshot
  • Zero Punctuation: Hatfall - Hatters Gonna Hat Edition screenshot
  • Zero Punctuation: Hatfall - Hatters Gonna Hat Edition screenshot


Summary pulled directly from Steam - Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform

Hatters Gonna Hat edition is a downloadable version of the original web game, Zero Punctuation: Hatfall. Born out of the popular video series from The Escapist, ‘Zero Punctuation,’ Creator Ben ‘Yahtzee’ Croshaw developed a high-energy game of skill and, well, hat wearing.

What’s New: The ‘Hatters Gonna Hat’ edition features brand new mini-games, new content and updates to all existing mini games so that it is fully optimized for PC. Also, if you reach 1500 hats collected... you'll see... something!

Haven’t played Hatfall yet? The premise seems simple- hats are falling from the sky (because, why not?) and it’s your job to catch them on your head - but mastering the fine art of hat catching isn’t nearly as simple as you might expect. Look out for anvils and refrigerators falling from the sky; the multitude of clones running around trying to confuse you; and that f**king short-tempered wizard.

Your job is to master the art of putting on multiple hats and you must acquire them by ANY means necessary – catch them; steal them; embezzle them; seduce them if you must, just get the damn hats.
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