BCV: Battle Construction Vehicles

BCV: Battle Construction Vehicles

Released 6/1/2000
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  • BCV: Battle Construction Vehicles screenshot
  • BCV: Battle Construction Vehicles screenshot
  • BCV: Battle Construction Vehicles screenshot


BCV: Battle Construction Vehicles is a fighting game between present-day mechs: construction vehicles. Players choose between 15 drivers and 14 bulldozers, steamrollers, cranes and forklifts, to name a few, and the goal is to defend your father's construction business. The player can fully customize the vehicles parts, attack moves and appearance, which adds to the replay value of the story mode, consisting of 16 interactive stages, aside from the 2-player mode. Most of the attacks consist or ramming other vehicles or utilizing the mechanical parts that do damage upon impact. The story is furthered through anime-like cut-scenes.



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