

Released 2/1/2023
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  • Cubis screenshot
  • Cubis screenshot
  • Cubis screenshot
  • Cubis screenshot
  • Cubis screenshot


Summary pulled directly from Steam - Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform

"Cubis" is a good old classic style action puzzle.
Roll the cube and and destroy the enemies and objects.

Unique character, "Cubis".

The cube "Cubis" charges energy from the ground and launches it as a shockwave.
When stored to its maximum level, the attack will knock down everything in front of it with a powerful effect.

When a certain number of energy is accumulated, the "Burst Mode" is entered.
It crushes objects and enemies on the field with its body slams.

Various stages

The levels are organized in a grid and equipped with various gimmicks.
Sometimes you will have to go through levels that are as technical as puzzles.
A unique boss appears in the final section of the world. Find out their weak points and defeat them!

Classical "destruction" pleasure

The flashy effects will create a classical exhilaration.
The background music and sound effects synchronized with the stage progression will make the game even more exciting.



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