Dofus Retro

Dofus Retro

Released 9/24/2019
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  • Dofus Retro screenshot
  • Dofus Retro screenshot


Dofus Retro is a new server option for Dofus released in 2019. The goal of Retro is to let players experience Dofus as close as possible to what it was before the graphical overhaul that came with 2.0. Certain players have a very special affection for Version 1.29 of the game DOFUS. That's why there are new servers allowing them to rediscover the game as it was almost ten years ago. Two 1.29 servers - Eratz and Henual - have always persisted. Historically, Ankama kept them so they wouldn't be unfairly disadvantaging their Latin American players, whose computers may not necessarily have been able to keep up with the performances required to enjoy DOFUS 2.0 to the fullest. Now, all of their players can enjoy it simply by subscribing.

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