FreakOut: Extreme Freeride

FreakOut: Extreme Freeride

Released 3/30/2007
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Summary pulled directly from Steam - Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform

The steepest slopes, thrilling stunts and dangerous action provide a most excellent skiing experience. At an altitude of 2000 metres, far away from civilization, in a battle between you and nature. Who rides the craziest track, where does the next jump lead to; speed, tricks or staying upright - Only those who are willing to push their own boundaries will experience the ultimate adrenaline rush!

For the first time the player gets the opportunity to go off-piste with his skiers without being cramped by unrealistic barriers. Stylish jumps, no rules, extreme speed, off-piste, crazy stunts – that’s in! No barriers to prevent the player from feeling the real freedom of fresh powder snow while screaming down mountainsides with only their nerve to hold them back.

Key Features

  • 4 mountains in different landscapes
  • Race and jump missions at every mountain
  • Additional „Special Events“ at every mountain where the player can gain extra points and special prizes
  • 16 different jumps
  • Upgrade your skier with over 30 different pieces of equipment to utilize

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