Furry Shakespeare: The Reverse Hamlet Championships

Furry Shakespeare: The Reverse Hamlet Championships

Released 12/12/2019
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  • Furry Shakespeare: The Reverse Hamlet Championships screenshot


Summary pulled directly from Steam - Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform

Adds a completely new mini-game element to the base game.

Tybalt is the reigning champion of the local arcade, and no arcade game is better than Reverse Hamlet. It's an outlawed video game about trying to assassinate King Claudius. Why would King Claudius want something like that outlawed?

It's a quaint little adventure game where, as the Ghost of Hamlet, Sr., you must guide your son Hamlet through various scenes - with the ultimate goal of finding new and creative ways to off King Claudius. But be careful! You can't kill him the same way twice! Take too long, and Hamlet, Jr. must just find new and interesting ways to.... well, you get the picture.

Throughout all five acts of the game, new sections of the Reverse Hamlet arcade mini-game will open up, and perhaps the actions taken during the underground Reverse Hamlet Championships will bleed out beyond the arcade?

To play:

1) Download the DLC

2) To start the plot arc, talk to Miranda at Cheesus Crust.

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