

Released 10/3/2017
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Summary pulled directly from Steam - Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform

Short, thought-provoking adventure where you are a News Editor and decide what stories get published, set in a fictional city where most people are genetically modified. Multiple unique endings let you share your story and see what the Headliner before you did.

Genetic engineering and civil unrest loom over Galixia.
You are the Chief Curator of a local News Channel.
You are the HEADLINER

  • Multiple permutations of unique endings you can share with the community
  • Average playthrough is around 45 mins with room for replay and experimentation
  • Curate articles and create your OWN unique bias!
  • Stroll down the streets and watch how society changes
  • Chat with your family about their struggles, love or hate
  • Colorblind-friendly design considerations (and if there's more I can do, shoot me a PM)

"… proof that games can be art"
- Rick Peter Shoutgun

"Brilliant game that will make you question next time you read a media quote!"
- Mars Technician

"Captivating story that will leave you itching for just one more turn… "
- Newspapers Please

* Read twice.... #FakeNews #Sad

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