Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in Time

Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in Time

Released 9/4/1996
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  • Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in Time screenshot
  • Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in Time screenshot
  • Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in Time screenshot
  • Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in Time screenshot
  • Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in Time screenshot
  • Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in Time screenshot
  • Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in Time screenshot
  • Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in Time screenshot
  • Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in Time screenshot
  • Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in Time screenshot
  • Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in Time screenshot
  • Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in Time screenshot


Zoo keepers from an alien world have scoured human history to steal 7 important figures from different epochs, and it is your job to rescue them. First you will have to explore four worlds to find the 6 pieces of their Time Machine, avoiding the chasing aliens.

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