

Released 3/25/2021
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Summary pulled directly from Steam - Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform

Play the international game of Mancala! Take turns moving the stones around and capture more stones than your opponent!

Two variations:

  • Kalah - A version played in North America and parts of Europe. Each person chooses one pit (House) on their side and drops the stones one at a time counter-clockwise, moving through your end-pit (The Store). You select can various house rules such as allowing stealing or handling a side running out of stones. The first person with 25 of the 48 stones is the winner!
  • Oware aka Warri aka Ouri *Coming Soon* - This is the version played in international tournaments and is found natively in eastern Africa and the Carribean. Each person chooses one pit and drops the stones one at a time counter-clockwise. If the final drop brings the count of that pit to 2 or 3, then you "win" the stones and hold them in your hand. The first to 25 stones wins.

There are multiple ways to play:

  • AI - Play against 10 different named AIs. Some are smart and some of them...not so much. Some are cautious and are some risk-taking.
  • Local Passing - Play locally with a friend. Each person takes a turn on the screen. To help, the screen is rotated between turns.
  • Local Flat On Table - On a Steam Deck? Place it flat on a table between you and your friend and treat it like a real mancala board. The message prompt rotates to whoever has the current turn.
  • Remote *Coming Soon* - Play remotely with a friend using the Steamworks system.

Language supported:

  • English
  • Chinese *Coming Soon*
  • Spanish *Coming Soon*

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