Summary pulled directly from Steam
- Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform
“The porter drew a map for me on the back of a brochure. In smudged pencil he showed me where to turn from the main road onto a dirt road and then where to leave the road entirely. I left the streetlights behind me and traveled into the dark."
Marginalia is a first-person horror game that transports you to Kestlebrook, a secluded valley where history becomes enmeshed with a strange present. Weeks ago Eric left. Days ago you got a letter telling you to come to him. Now you're here, but precisely where is here? And better yet, when?
- Two plotlines that interweave with one another to tell the full story of Kestlebrook.
- Vast tracts of New England woodland handcrafted by the developers.
- A story about loss and what a person will do to fix a broken past.
- No jump scares. Just a slow, creeping dread.
- Powerful ambient soundtrack.
- Xbox controller support