Minecraft: Java Edition

Minecraft: Java Edition

Released 11/18/2011
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  • Minecraft: Java Edition screenshot
  • Minecraft: Java Edition screenshot
  • Minecraft: Java Edition screenshot
  • Minecraft: Java Edition screenshot
  • Minecraft: Java Edition screenshot
  • Minecraft: Java Edition screenshot
  • Minecraft: Java Edition screenshot
  • Minecraft: Java Edition screenshot
  • Minecraft: Java Edition screenshot
  • Minecraft: Java Edition screenshot
  • Minecraft: Java Edition screenshot
  • Minecraft: Java Edition screenshot


Minecraft focuses on allowing the player to explore, interact with, and modify a dynamically-generated map made of one-cubic-meter-sized blocks. In addition to blocks, the environment features plants, mobs, and items. Some activities in the game include mining for ore, fighting hostile mobs, and crafting new blocks and tools by gathering various resources found in the game. The game's open-ended model allows players to create structures, creations, and artwork on various multiplayer servers or their single-player maps. Other features include redstone circuits for logic computations and remote actions, minecarts and tracks, and a mysterious underworld called the Nether. A designated but completely optional goal of the game is to travel to a dimension called the End, and defeat the ender dragon.

Latest Reviews

PC (Microsoft Windows)
Minecraft is this is eternal thing that most gamers revisit. I've personally owned it since beta, and it always has this allure of being this ever-changing sandbox where you come back and find it's a little different than you remember. Plus, mod support has grow exponentially making it easier than ever to craft a unique experience. All that being said... Minecraft is too much sandbox for me. It doesn't really provide you with any strong motivations or directions, which I enjoy in a game. I do frequently return to it, but it's hard for me to really get into the way that others have.
Updated: 2/18/2025

Created by Superlinear Data provided by IGDB and Steam

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