Pokémon Refined Gold

Pokémon Refined Gold

Released 10/23/2021
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  • Pokémon Refined Gold screenshot
  • Pokémon Refined Gold screenshot


This is a romhack meant to enhance and improve Pokémon HeartGold while keeping the original feel. Instead of being a complete reworking of the game, this is essentially “Vanilla HeartGold+”, with versions exclusives fixed, trade evolutions rectified, evolution items and berries both renewable, and alternatives provided for the more luck-based encounters. A good-sized amount of dialogue has been changed, as well as a handful of NPCs being added to explain some of the more obscure mechanics, not to mention superbosses to test your mettle. The core plot is identical to vanilla HeartGold. If you want to go back to HeartGold, whether to revisit memories or make new ones, this mod is meant to help make them a little more vivid.




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