Sylvanian Families: Otogi no Kuni no Pendant

Sylvanian Families: Otogi no Kuni no Pendant

Released 11/15/1999
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An ivory rabbit called Aster Dandelion ventures into the heart of the forest during a picnic and aids an injured fairy. She is left with a magical pendant that has a mysterious power that turns reality into dreams at the stroke of six in the evening. Now Aster has a quest to return the pendant to Fairyland while she tries to carry on with her daily life. In Sylvanian Families: Otogi no Kuni no Pendant the player navigates Aster around Sylvania Village, talking to her acquaintances, interacting with objects and completing various tasks, whether she’s at home, school or at a friend’s house. Various mini-games must be won to earn seeds for growing flowers as well as furniture to decorate Aster’s bedroom. There’s also optional side quests such as sprinkling vividust on wilted flowers.




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