Trains VR

Trains VR

Released 5/1/2018
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  • Trains VR screenshot
  • Trains VR screenshot
  • Trains VR screenshot
  • Trains VR screenshot
  • Trains VR screenshot
  • Trains VR screenshot


Summary pulled directly from Steam - Some text may only be applicable to Steam platform

Hop on the Puzzle Train with us!

For thousands of years people have dreamed about traveling.

As a species we have achieved a lot - millions of railroad kilometers, endless highways and the fact that at any given moment there are half a million people flying around in the sky. We are even on the verge of space-tourism. However, the most important journey is still beyond our reach... Or is it?

  • The Ancient Greeks built the first railroads around the year 600 BCE.
  • In 1895 the Lumiere Brothers were the first to capture a train on a moving picture.

These are two amazing achievements but we need to evolve further.

In 2018, The House of Fables has combined virtual reality with a childhood dream. We created a video game which offers you the chance to relive those innocent memories.

Virtual Reality gives us more than we realize. Time-travel isn’t a physical reality (as far as we know), but a ride down the memory line is.

We developed Trains VR as a bridge between the present and the past.
A childhood dream combined with the newest technology.
Hop on the locomotive and travel back to your past!

Don’t try to time-travel to your past. Bring it back with Trains VR!

Trains VR is a puzzle game that gives you the ultimate opportunity to find the best-fitting solution to railroad problems and relive your childhood:

  • Challenge yourself with 40 levels of logical puzzles that have multiple solutions.
  • Dive into a fantasy world of locomotives, train stations and magical stars that you will have to collect.
  • Become a master builder and the fastest conductor of all!

Build, Ride, Fail, Repeat and solve puzzles!!

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