Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Gunyip!

Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Gunyip!

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  • Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Gunyip! screenshot
  • Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Gunyip! screenshot
  • Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Gunyip! screenshot
  • Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Gunyip! screenshot
  • Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Gunyip! screenshot
  • Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Gunyip! screenshot
  • Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Gunyip! screenshot
  • Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Gunyip! screenshot
  • Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Gunyip! screenshot
  • Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Gunyip! screenshot
  • Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Gunyip! screenshot
  • Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Gunyip! screenshot
  • Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Gunyip! screenshot
  • Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Gunyip! screenshot


An unreleased 4th game in the Ty the Tasmanian Tiger series, which was cancelled around 2007 due to Krome Studios focusing their resources on developing ports for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.


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